Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • I’m watching a lot of probabilities and possibilities collapsing around us right now.  Its being caused by everyone’s thoughts right now.  Its sort of a sad event too.  People are not yet grasping the power we have with our thoughts…

  •   We have a storm about to hit us.  We have a New Moon in Aries Sunday.  This new wave of energy is coming to implement change.  Since the last energy wave we have been shown the things that have…

  •   I’ve been seeing lessons in time being a major theme with this energy.  It can be hard to stay in the now.  We have so much past healing to do, and so many future probabilities we can access now.…

  • Our bodies involve a vast biochemistry.  We still only hold some of the biochemical answers.  Biophysics hold a lot of the spiritual answers we seek.  Our reality is a holographic projection.  A reality in which exists infinite possibilities we chose based on our vibrational…

  • This energy is a good time for you to realize you may be at a place where you should be requesting more Galactic assistance.  It may feel like your alone, or isolated, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. …

  • Shamans access the spiritual realm to heal.  This is done by restoring and removing energetic pathways, recovering soul splits, communicating with the spiritual, and tuning into the spiritual aspects of illnesses.  With any kind of healing comes great responsibility.  Shamanism…