Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • This energy is a good time for you to realize you may be at a place where you should be requesting more Galactic assistance.  It may feel like your alone, or isolated, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. …

  • Shamans access the spiritual realm to heal.  This is done by restoring and removing energetic pathways, recovering soul splits, communicating with the spiritual, and tuning into the spiritual aspects of illnesses.  With any kind of healing comes great responsibility.  Shamanism…

  • The Akashic Records are an energy that is readable. It exists in the ethereal planes. Much like your DNA it keeps an energetic record of everything. It contains all information regarding your past lives, present live, and records of all…

  • Rainbows are mirrors that reflect others back on themselves. While they may reflect there is an absorption that occurs. When a pigment absorbs a photon of light, it becomes excited. This means it has extra energy making it no longer…

  • Souls are not randomly drawn together. We find ourselves in the same time and space for a reason. Our experiences and energetic imprints mirror each other on a major level. Many souls came here and took on some heavy karmic…

  • As these new influxes of light are hitting our planet, and our DNA is being activated, new languages are coming through. A lot of you are being asked to focus on symbols or light languages. But even those will become…