Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  •   I’m channeling Stonehenge energy with this Space Storm.  We have an amazing energy gateway we can be using for our Ascension.  We are doing our Stonehenge Atlantean Heart Chakra Activation with a DNA Upgrade unto at least Tuesday.  They…

  • There is a strong connection between The fall of Atlantis and the creation of Stonehenge.  Our pasts are always interconnected.  The energy of our past is encoded in these sacred sites.  Places built with past frequencies that were much higher. …

  • The collective had to complete a certain amount of karmic lessons to reach this place.  There are certain lessons our souls must learn in separation.  There are major changes occurring to bring humanity back to a place of Oneness.  A…

  • Stonehenge is known as a Stargate alignment.  These Stargates are crucial at this time.  The vibration of the Earth is speeding up as we continue to move through an area of highly charged space.  Stargates allow high vibrational interstellar energies…

  • Empathy is your superpower.  The Universe made people that way so we could feel the interconnectedness of all.  If we feel another’s pain we should not be harming others.  When your empathic you have reached a place of absorbing others…

  • The flame many are seeking externally lies within.  It’s a spiritual fire, found in love.  Many people will seek this in a partner without first mastering their own energy.  We each carry this light within us.  That fire has the…