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Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…
This is a time where intentions are forming out path. This New Moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse are merging energies with a powerful Space Storm. This is a gateway to the new, anything your soul longs to create. This…
Check Out Our Class Section…
Check out our class section in our store. I’ve been adding new classes. If you haven’t done Usui Reiki it’s the best place to start. We have lots of different classes on different types of healing. With any of the…
A Year For Spiritual Union..
The highest attainment of Divine expression is love. The spiritual unions around us are seeding a foundation for the collective. Reminders to the all, of what we are here for. It’s not an ordinary love you have been looking for,…
Getting Ready For The Eclipse Season..
There will be a Partial Solar Eclipse on the January 5-6th. The New Moon, in Capricorn, will pass between the Earth and the Sun. this Solar Eclipse is in close alignment with Vega, giving us a positive start to the…
London Sekhem Activations..
Egyptian Sekhem is an ancient system of energetic knowing that was taught in the temples and master schools in ancient Egypt. Sekhem connects us to the Universal energies of destruction and regeneration. This energy opens us to more inner truth…
An Energetic Reset is Underway…
We prepare now for an energetic reset that will come with this next storm. The next storm will be amped up by the New Moon and the partial Solar Eclipse. Neptune will play a huge role in this energetic transit. …
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