Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are all experiencing something huge right now! There is a lot going on and everyone is being affected. There are those that are descending. These people are falling fast and dying, like a physical death. They are choosing to…

  • There are many levels of consciousness that we can experience in this realm. Lucid dreaming is when you dream but you are aware you are dreaming so you can control the dream. When you are lucid dreaming you can really…

  • I woke up and suddenly realized I was being harvest energetically. My roommate, at the time, was an energetic vampire that was feeding off of my energy. Empaths often become vampire food for energetic vampires. This is a lot more…

  • It is not safe to be eating flour at this point. We are being fed genetically modified food that is being sprayed with Roundup. Monsanto Roundup is toxic for people. These crops have been genetically modified to be resistant to…

  • We must dismantle any 3D fear based Reptile systems that are still running. We are all reprogramming ourselves to love and abundance. I know there are those that think this revolution will be played out politically, but this is a…

  • We are going back to telepathy, which would be communication without words. Other civilizations live differently and words are regarded differently. Words are spells that’s why it’s so dangerous to be throwing out so many words and labels. We are…