Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • So we plan out every detail of our lives, down to the people we contracted to come and learn with. Sometimes it doesn’t go as planned or we don’t have the best time with someone. A lot of the time…

  • We are having storms from the Sun, as in solar storms. So the Sun puts out huge amounts of energy. One in a form of a blast of light, we call this a solar flare. The coronal mass ejection is…

  • For those of you that don’t know me, hi my name is Robin. I am a lightworker that is here on a mission with my twin flame, in fact I’m here on a mission with my soul group. We came…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Let’s recap on where this holiday actually came from and what it means. Like most of our main holidays this is a pagan holiday. This holiday is actually not at all linked to Saint Valentine like we…

  • Just in case anyone needs any last minute gift ideas for each zodiac sign.. Aries- This is an impulsive and active sign that rules the brain, head, and face. Dazzling jewelry, or some type of gadget, such as a video…

  • So we are approaching Valentine’s Day! Let’s take a look a look at what love looks like today. We have the current control dramas of the 3rd dimension. We all know what these karmic relationships were like. It just amazes…