Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Tonight at 9pm EST the Orion Nebula will be visible. A nebula is a vast cloud of gas and dust in space. There are many of these clouds that exist within our galaxy. There are many reasons this is of…

  • Here is a great blood type analysis to explain different genetic factors that can be known by your blood type. This is why the elite are obsessed with certain bloodlines. Remember these traits show up more in -RH blood types.…

  • Here are signs that are compatible for each sign. Remember people are just like chemicals so we all have to stick with like elements to get a good reaction. Capricorn- Most compatible Taurus and Virgo. Stay away from fire and…

  • Here is what your soul mission would be in relation to your horoscope sign.. remember all female signs have a negative polarity and all males have a positive polarity. Capricorn- You are here to learn independence and freedom. Your lesson…

  • My twin flame and I love all of the amazing lightworkers around us! It’s so amazing to have so much positive energy around us. It is our intent that as we merged back into One, that we are drawing our…

  • Every 750,000 years the Earth’s magnetic field flips its polarity. This has happened many times over the millennia. This is where the Earths polarities reverse and actually flip. North will become South and South will become North. Everything around you…