Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are working on healing someone with Fibromyalgia, so I thought I would post the best way to heal this illness. Lots of Green Tea- This will flush toxins out of your body. Broccoli, Onion, and Tomato- They are amazing…

  • Tamarind- This is an Indian herb. Hydrilla Verticillata- A type of seeweed that is available in supplement form. Chlorella- An algae. Spirilina- A type of blue-green algae that comes in pill, powder, and capsule forms. Zeolite- A mineral supplement that’s…

  • Yes, lemon is an amazing detox.. I tell people to drink lots of water and lemon to help take any toxins out of their body that are unblocked during chakra openings. Lemon is an amazing natural detox, add it to…

  • Please don’t send me a heart regarding breast cancer and think your doing anything to help. I won’t participate in these sheep activities ever again. I had stage three cancer, so I feel if anyone is coming from a place…

  • As I keep saying our planet is moving through uncharted territories of space right now. For about a week we have been in a crazy energetic storm. We were just in a solar wind stream. Earth is now exiting this…

  • We are getting ready for a full moon January 12th. The moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun, and it will be fully illuminated. This full moon was known be early Native American…