Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • “This is a spiritual conflict involving material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.” -Hopi Prophecies The Fifth world has begun…

  • We are feeling the first New Moon of 2018! This Moon’s theme is learning! This Moon is extra powerful because Saturn will have just entered Capricorn. Saturn is most comfortable in this sign. If your Moon energy sensitive this will…

  • If you have -RH blood you don’t have the same karmic energetic imprints in your blood. That’s the reason this bloodline is being targeted. These blood types have higher sensory abilities. This bloodline is here to activate others. This is…

  •       Capricorn- You are so adaptable to any situation, but that can have detrimental affects to your psyche. Work on being your authentic self in every situation. I know it’s more comfortable for you to fit in, but…

  • We are getting ready for 2017 to end! We have our last New Moon the 18th! This Sagittarius New Moon is kickstarting a wave of energy to help inspire and motivate us. This cosmic influx of energy will shake people,…

  •  Reiki Attunement Side Effects – Level 1: -Opening of the third eye. -An increase in intuitive awareness. -Other psychic abilities. -A release of Negative Emotion -Changes in food preferences. Reiki Attunement side effects – level 2: -Highs & Lows of…