Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • The threefold flame is within our heart chakra, this is our Divine spark. This is referred to as the inner Christ or inner Buddha. Heart surgeons can not see this invisible compartment in everyone’s heart, but they know it exists.…

  • UFO’s are becoming a popular phenomenon. A UFO is an unidentified flying object. It is defined as any anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. It is actually a gift to be able…

  • Now is a really good time to focus on goals that help increase your understanding of awareness. We should be working on confidence and optimism for the future. Sagittarius is about transcending daily mix and having fun. We just had…

  • Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that describes the primal life force that is in all living beings. This is sometimes referred to as Prana or Chi. When you activate your kundalini it starts the process of enlightenment. We then realize…

  • I like to think of our reality as a dream, or an illusion. We live in a virtual reality experience, some refer to it as the matrix. It is actually a hologram. A hologram is a three-dimensional image confined in…

  • I am in the abundant flow of the Universe. The creative energy of abundance is the Source of us all. I live in a world of infinite possibilities. I refuse to let limited beliefs rule me ever again. I know…