Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We see reincarnation in the cycles of nature, day and night, or in the motion of the planets. A perfect example of reincarnation is a plant grows, dies, and release seeds, thus it is reborn. Reincarnation is the rebirth of…

  • How Do I Know If My Third Eye Is Open There is so much hidden power in the human brain. The pineal gland is a small, cone shaped, gland in the middle of your brain. When your pineal gland is…

  •   Aura Color Meanings Many healers believe that when the colors of the human aura are out of balance it will have a negative affect on the body and cause health problems. Auras can reveal information about someone’s thought, feelings,…

  • Here we look at 25 signs your are awakening and go through each one a little bit.  This list is not all inclusive by any means, but it’s a great way to see if you are on the right track…

  • There is a lot of information channeled, and written, about the Fifth Dimension. Humanity is ascending into a new realm of existence. Many people are experiencing their own version of visions and downloads about the Fifth Dimension. The dimensions are…

  • I lived very unconsciously until I met my twin flame. This is an amazing love that is transforming every area of my life, this is divine love. It is because of each other that gives us any power at all.…