Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is our Saturn/ Lunar occultation.  Today’s energies are all about your past karmic lessons becoming more clear to you.  It’s all about cleansing the energies of your past to shift into a future that’s more successful.  Expect a lot…

  • Welcome to the Beltane/ Samhain Gateway.  During Samhain the spirits of the dead roam the world.  On Beltane it’s a Gateway for the Fairies.  It’s a day for the other worlds.  The Pleiades is also rising, marking the transition from…

  • Happy Beltane! This is a Gateway for lovers.   Expect to be feeling your beloved a little extra right now.  For some you may not have met, and for others you may know this person deeply.  Expect their soul to…

  • Today Mars will conjunct with Neptune.  It will shift into Aries in a few days.  These energies are all about making our dreams happen.  These are also romantic energies.  Expect to be getting extra spiritual guidance that comes through to…

  • Today we have a Mars and Neptune Conjunction.  Mars makes its once-every-two-years meet-up with Neptune.  Neptune is our dreams and daydreams and Mars is action.  It moves us forward.  Expect a lot of forward momentum.  Neptune is all about surrendering…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  These are spiritual days where the veil is thin.  On these days we receive a huge influx of energies.  These days are amazing for tapping in on a deeper level to yourself.  April…