Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are entering the Lyrids as a planet! The first major meteor shower of the year will peak on Friday and will last until dawn Saturday. The Lyrid meteors can be seen anytime after midnight, this is when the constellation…

  • Welcome to the roller coaster called ascension. Today we will go through a major shift into higher consciousness. The Schumann Resonance hit an all time high of 90 yesterday, but I can see today it will be even higher. This…

  • Lost in my own darkness, you were the light that pulled me out of the abyss. You illuminated the way to my enlightenment. You lit my kundalini awakening on fire, your serpent energy opened all my chakras. Tantrically we merged…

  • The Bible mentions a new heaven and a new earth in Revelations. Revelations 21 states “a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea”. The…

  • The four horsemen of the apocalypse actually represent emotions. John is actually perceiving the energies of his root chakra as it is opened by forces of regeneration within his own body. The next center is opened, this is his sacral…

  • We all have four controlling intelligences within us. These make up the physical body as well as the emotional natures and fluids, such as mentality and the soul forces. We have bones, muscles, tendons, and skin. These each have to…