Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • There is a lot of information channeled, and written, about the Fifth Dimension. Humanity is ascending into a new realm of existence. Many people are experiencing their own version of visions and downloads about the Fifth Dimension. The dimensions are…

  • I lived very unconsciously until I met my twin flame. This is an amazing love that is transforming every area of my life, this is divine love. It is because of each other that gives us any power at all.…

  • As a society we are often torn between religion and science. I am spiritual, my truth is bigger then any man made religion. In spirituality I have found something that resonates as true to me. In spirituality I embrace science.…

  • We are ascending from the 3rd dimension to to 5th dimension. We are evolving. Our bodies are changing from a carbon base to a crystal base. Every single cell in our body is changing, and it involves light. This is…

  • These are reiki healing codes, they are a quantum healing tool. They are safe to use on everyone and everything and they have no adverse side affects. It is time for us to discuss the various healing codes and how…

  • These are reiki healing codes, they are a quantum healing tool. They are safe to use on everyone and everything and they have no adverse side affects. It is time for us to discuss the various healing codes and how…