Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  •   I just had someone message me and ask if I wanted a kundalini awakening session. I said I personally was past that and that I had my kundalini awakened already by my twin flame, and that I had ascended…

  •      I spent much of my life in hospitals, psychiatrists, and doctors offices. At the time I didn’t rember that I had agreed to all of this so that I would be able to help people, so it was…

  • A lot of people are in Karmic relationships. These relationships can be confusing, trust me in the beginning phases it may seem like that soul mate magnetism. This is a love relationship that you must clear up. These relationships typically…

  • “When your earnings are exhausted on food and shelter, your labors are no longer viewed as an opportunity for economic advancement, but rather as an act of self-preservation. In the real world, that’s called slavery.” ~ Vincent Happy Mnisi”. I…

  • I have been doing a lot of reading for people, I give people advice and help shine my light on the best path for them to take. I can see the best future probability lines, this comes in handy for…

  • Negative Entities Attaching To Your Teenager I would like to discuss teenagers, self-harm, and signs of entity attachment. Suicide, self-harm, uncontrollable rage or grief are hard subjects to discuss, let alone heal. It is still taboo to suggest that mental…