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Today is our Virgo New Moon. Virgo is ruled by Mercury so it’s a great time to be putting your intentions out there. It’s a great time to be manifesting. This New Moon is all about getting things sorted and…
I’ll be doing activations from Sedona today! Great energy to be working with. Here are the links to sign up. So recommended… 8:31 Sedona Vortex Healing… 8:31 Sedona Activation For Your Manifestations… 8:31 Sedona Vortex Twin Flame Activation……
Venus enters Libra today. This brings a nice shift. It will stay here until Sep 22nd. Relationships are about to take on a more harmonious, romantic tone. You will notice that relationships begin to flourish. You’ll find yourself wanting to…
Venus has Shifted into Libra. This brings a much lighter flirty energy. This shift will feel like a breath of fresh air for your love life. Expect your love life to intensify. We have a huge focus on healing our…
Today our Moon is conjunct Jupiter. Jupiter always brings very positive and lucky energies. Expect good news and things suddenly shifting in your favor. Expect a lot of spiritual energies that are meant to assist you with your spiritual awakening. …
Today the Moon is conjunct Uranus. This alignment is all about over coming obstacles. The Moon will also join the Pleiades. Expect a lot of Pleiadian energies as well. The Moon will be very close to and passing the Pleiades. …
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