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I’ll be doing activations from Sedona today! Great energy to be working with. Here are the links to sign up. So recommended… 8:31 Sedona Vortex Healing… 8:31 Sedona Activation For Your Manifestations… 8:31 Sedona Vortex Twin Flame Activation……
Venus enters Libra today. This brings a nice shift. It will stay here until Sep 22nd. Relationships are about to take on a more harmonious, romantic tone. You will notice that relationships begin to flourish. You’ll find yourself wanting to…
Venus has Shifted into Libra. This brings a much lighter flirty energy. This shift will feel like a breath of fresh air for your love life. Expect your love life to intensify. We have a huge focus on healing our…
Today our Moon is conjunct Jupiter. Jupiter always brings very positive and lucky energies. Expect good news and things suddenly shifting in your favor. Expect a lot of spiritual energies that are meant to assist you with your spiritual awakening. …
Today the Moon is conjunct Uranus. This alignment is all about over coming obstacles. The Moon will also join the Pleiades. Expect a lot of Pleiadian energies as well. The Moon will be very close to and passing the Pleiades. …
Today Vesta shifts into Virgo until Oct 27th. Virgo is the hermit of the zodiac. Vesta is a Goddess that is associated with family, home, and spiritual cleansing. The focus will be on self improvement and clearing any blockages. It’s…
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