Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Venus had shifted into Scorpio.  That makes the next few weeks all about your love life and any romantic connections.  You’re going to feel a need for connection a little extra.  There is a lot of magic in the air. …

  • Happy Equinox! We have shifted into a New Season.  We also have shifted into higher energies within the ascension.  Expect some major DNA upgrades as we are receiving a huge influx of Galactic Energies/ Energies directly from our Central Sun. …

  • Happy Equinox! This is a time where the day and night are almost of equal length.  It’s a Faerie Festival.  The Faerie Festivals take place on the crossover points in the seasons.  During the crossover points there are huge energy…

  • Today Virgo is trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn.  Expect a huge transformation that shakes you up, wakes you up, and makes you question your beliefs.  Everyone has patterns that they need to work on, and that need to go.  It’s…

  • Virgo is trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn today.  Pluto is the Planet of death and rebirth.   It’s here to help us let go of past versions of our self, so that we can shift into higher ones.  We have…

  • This week’s Lunar Eclipse marks the beginning of fated change that is likely to unfold over the next two years.  This Eclipse is activating the Lunar Nodes.  The Lunar Nodes are known as points of destiny.  Endings could happen, forcing…