Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today our North Node is conjunct Chiron.  This is stirring up our old core wounds and soul wounds.  Expect things to be coming up or surfacing for healing.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies.  I’m doing…

  • This week brings the Shift into Pisces Season and a Virgo Full Moon.  It’s all about cleansing and purifying.  It’s like clean your entire house and make sure you’re using a lot of sage and Florida Water vibes.  You may…

  • Today Mercury Square Uranus & Venus Conjunct Pluto.  This is a powerful transformative alignment, especially for your relationships.  Trust is either being built or broken during this time.  This may be testing your relationships.  It’s definitely intensifying your relationships.  It’s…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!! Today is all about love and relationships.  It’s about getting romantic.  It’s a great time to be getting the spark back into the relationship if in one.  If you’re in a relationship pay attention to how they…

  • Happy Valentines Day! Time to be healing your love life.  Today will show you where you’re at with that.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the collective energies of love, and romance.  I’m doing healings and activations today. …

  • Mars enters Aquarius where it will remain until March 22nd.  Mars is our drive, passion, and motivation.  It is our life force. It is our spark, propelling us forward to take the necessary steps to create our desires.  Venus is…