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We have shifted into Leo Season. Leo is represented by the lion, the kings and queens of the celestial jungle. The Sun is blazing brighter than it does all year long. This Leo Season is all about how you’re showing…
Happy Capricorn Full Moon. It’s all about what you’re manifesting this Full Moon. This is a rare event as it’s the 2nd of a back to back pair of Capricorn Full Moons. We are closing out a cycle. Literally, as…
Welcome to the Buck Moon! This Capricorn Full Moon signifies a time for regeneration and renewal. The Buck Moon offers us a chance to reflect and heal through the Summer. Expect this Full Moon to bring a lot of emotions…
Today Mars enters Gemini. It will remain here until Sep 4th. Expect things to get very open and chatting in your relationships. Mars is the Planet of action, desire, and passion. Gemini is the twin, or Twin Flame sign. Mars…
Mars has shifted into Gemini. Get ready to get swept up in a whole new energy. This alignment is all about connecting with others and seeing your goals through. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who oversees communication. Gemini also rules…
Happy 7:17 Portal! Expect a lot of Galactic Energies and light codes from Sirius. This is a powerful manifestation Portal. It’s a huge upgrade day. These energies are helping to anchor us into the 5D. It’s a great time to…
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