Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today our Aquarius Sun is Sextile the North Node and Trine the North Node.  This is huge for your love life and any destined, or fated connections.  Expect sudden shifts in love that shift you closer to that destined connection. …

  • Today we have Mercury Conjunct Pluto.  This will be making your thoughts more intense.  Pay attention as you should be getting good ideas right now.  Take care as your words hold a little extra power right now.  Mercury Enters Aquarius…

  • Today we have Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius.  We also have Venus in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries.  The Sun is also Sextile Chiron.  This is bringing a lot to the surface from within your love life.  Anything…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Mercury also shifts into Aquarius.  Expect this to be amazing for tapping into the spiritual energies and to be getting more downloads, messages, and ideas.  These are days that we should be working…

  • Today kicks off 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row.  That means we are passing through a thin space in the veil.  Expect more to come through.  You should be picking up a lot more intuitively.  This is a…

  • We have entered into a space of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row.  Expect heightened energies as we move through this space.  Expect a lot of intense upgrades and instant manifestation.  It’s a great time to be tapping…