Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy Full Wolf Moon, which is also our Leo Full Moon! These energies are all about coming back into balance and new beginnings.  Your emotions and intuition are heightened, allowing you to see things more clearly right now.  It’s a…

  • Today Venus has shifted into Capricorn until Feb 16th.  Venus rules over our relationships.  This is all about bringing more stability and long term goals into them.  It’s a great time for making plans with your partner.  We are preparing…

  • Venus has shifted into Capricorn today.  This alignment is all about getting back to the basics in your love life.  It’s all about healing so you can shift into more security within your relationships.  It’s an incredibly powerful time for…

  • We have huge shifts happening in the heavens above us.  We have shifted into Aquarius Season.  Expect the energies to lighten up.  Pluto has also shifted into Aquarius until September 1st.  This is a once in a lifetime alignment.  Aquarius…

  • Today we have shifted into Aquarius Season, and Pluto has Shifted into Aquarius.  These alignments are all about change and changing the world.  Expect a lot of Galactic Energies as our Moon merges with the Pleiades today and tomorrow.  It’s…

  • Today Mercury in Capricorn forms a trine with an abundant Jupiter in Taurus.  This will be bringing us a positive and harmonious energy.  Expect luck in areas of love and your finances.  Jupiter will be expanding those areas.  This alignment…