Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today brings us a Mercury- Saturn Sextile.  Mercury in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces.  This is bringing back up past karmic lessons and cycles, especially if you have any unresolved karma going on, or unfinished business.  This alignment is…

  • Today we have a Mercury- Saturn Sextile.  Mercury in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces.  This is bringing up your karmic past.  These energies are helping you to better integrate your past lessons, and to move more smoothly towards the…

  • Today we have a Moon and Jupiter Conjunction.  Jupiter will be very close to our Moon.  Jupiter tends to amplify anything that it goes near.  This is bringing us a reality check kind of energy.  The Moon and Jupiter will…

  • Today we have a Moon- Jupiter Conjunction.   Expect plot shifts, sudden shifts in luck and fortune, miracles, and healing.  This alignment will be bringing some major emotional healing.  Expect some major positive energies, that will be uplifting your energy…

  • We have a Sun-Neptune Sextile happening today.  Our Sun in Capricorn connects with Neptune in Pisces.  This alignment is meant to be a super romantic day.  It’s great for anything to do with love.  It’s bringing a dreamy vibe.  You…

  • Today we have Venus Trine The North Node.  This is a powerful conjunction that is all about your love life, and your destined path moving forward.  The focus is on karmic connections and fated relationships.  This is a powerful alignment…