Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have entered into the energies of the 12:12 Portal! You will be feeling them over the next couple of days.  The 12:12 Portal is a day for healing and activations.  It will be open until the Winter Solstice.  Expect…

  • Today is a massive Galactic Activation Portal Day! On these days the gaps between all worlds and dimensions are open.  On these days we receive a huge influx of Galactic Energies.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the…

  • Today we have a huge alignment with Venus in Scorpio Opposite Jupiter in Taurus.  This rare alignment brings together two powerful Planets.  Venus rules our love life and finances, and Jupiter our overall luck.  Jupiter is the great attractor.  Expect…

  • Today is a powerful alignment with Venus in Scorpio Opposite Jupiter in Taurus.  The Planet of Love merges together with the Planet of luck.  This alignment is also being magnified by the Moon.  Themes around love, money, values, and self-esteem…

  • Tonight is the peak of the Cassiopeid Meteor Shower.  It’s raining down Andromedan shooting stars on us! These meteors radiate from the constellation of Cassiopeia.  They also come from a Jupiter comet.  That means these shooting stars and energies are…

  • Tonight is the peak of the Cassiopeid Meteor Shower.  It’s raining down Andromedan shooting stars on us! Make a wish! Neptune also shifts direct bring us some clarity.  It’s a huge day astrologically, and a great time to be tapping…