Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today Chiron is sextile our Sun.  Chiron is a centaur that travels between Saturn and Uranus.  This is a celestial body that has both an asteroid and a comet’s characteristics.  Chiron highlights our wounds and what we are working on…

  • Today we have a Neptune and North Node conjunction.  Any transit involving two slow-moving astrological archetypes is significant.  This is a once in our lifetime conjunction.  Neptune will leave Pisces in March, and will not return for 165 years.  This…

  • Neptune is conjunct the North Node.  This is a big one and won’t happen again in our lifetime.  These are very spiritual energies.  Fate and destiny are hard at work in the background.  We also have Venus sextile Pluto bringing…

  • We have some big movements happening in the Cosmos today.  Jupiter has now shifted Direct.  This means things will start to look up in many areas of your life.  This is good news for your goals, finances, and relationships as…

  • Jupiter is now direct! This is great news.  Remember Jupiter is represented by the wheel of fortune card in the Tarot.  It represents karma, fate, and destiny.  It’s all about taking responsibility for your life and making any changes you…

  • Today our Aquarius Sun merges together with Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini bringing us a powerful energy.  We are in major manifesting energies right now.  Expect a positive energy boost and a lot of mental clarity.  These energies…