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Happy Eclipse! This is a powerful manifesting gateway. It’s also a powerful Twin Flame gateway. Expect the unexpected. These energies are all about making huge destined shifts right now. Eclipses bring huge changes to relationships. You want to be tapping…
Today our Moon is Conjunct Neptune. This is beautiful for your love life and manifesting those bigger dreams that you’re holding on to. Expect dreamy energies. You will be feeling and telling into your emotions a little extra today. This…
Today the Moon is conjunct Mars. This may be stirring up relationship issues, or even making your relationships difficult. This energy will push you to take care of the things that you need to. The Moon is also conjunct Saturn. …
The Moon is conjunct Mars and Saturn today. These are very healing the Divine Masculine energies. They are about aligning with our inner wants and desires. They are also bring a huge karmic clearing and healing as we prepare for…
Venus has shifted into Aries until April 29th. Expect a lot of desire, passion and action in your relationships. These will be intense energies for your love life. Expect a lot of energy. Venus is the Planet of money and…
Venus has shifted into Aries. Expect big energies for your love life. Expect big gestures and declarations in love. Expect this alignment to bring a lot of passion into your relationships over the next 5 weeks. It’s all about taking…
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