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Happy Pisces New Moon! This is the final sign of the zodiac calendar, as we prepare to shift into a new astrological year. It’s all about letting go of the old and stepping into the new. This New Moon is…
Today Mars square Uranus. This is giving you a chance to shift your mindset, and clear anything blocking your success. Expect high energies that may be bringing some tension up. It’s all about getting back on track with your path. …
Mercury has shifted into Aries for the next two months. Expect high energies that should be motivating you. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It rules communication. Mercury is the planet of thinking and Aries is the sign…
We have an exact conjunction between Mercury and Neptune. Expect this alignment to activate your senses. Expect a lot to flow through you psychically. Expect a lot of messages and downloads. Pay attention to the spiritual pulls you’re getting right…
Today brings us a Mercury Neptune Conjunction. This is great for tapping into the spiritual. Expect these energies to take you to the next level within your spiritual awakening. I’ll be doing healings and activations today. It’s a huge activation…
Happy 3:3 Portal! Expect huge energies and huge shifts. Expect massive Galactic Energies and Galactic Upgrades. Today is a powerful day for doing healing, and activation work. Make sure you daydreaming a little extra about the life you want, or…
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