Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today and tomorrow are both Galactic Activation Portal Days.  Expect huge energies over the next couple of days.  It’s a great time to be tapping into and working with the energies.   I’m doing healings and activations today.  Here are…

  • You may be feeling an Eclipse Hangover still of sorts.  We have entered that space in between the Eclipses.  Expect extra potent energies as we move through this Eclipse Corridor.  We are in a space of rebirth over the next…

  • Today we are in the peak of the Arcturian Gateway.  We also have Juno shifting into Virgo for a beautiful love alignment.  Expect a huge influx of Galactic Energies.  Great for tapping into the energies.  I’m doing healings and activations…

  • Happy Libra New Moon.  It’s also a Solar Eclipse.  That makes it an extra potent New Moon.  I’ll be doing healings/ activations today.  Here are the links to sign up… Solar Eclipse Activation… Libra Moon Twin Flame Clearing……

  • It’s raining down Pleiadian Stars on us.  It’s a Pleiadian Meteor Shower.  The South Taurids are active until November 12.  The North Taurids are active from Oct 13th to Dec 2nd.  Expect fireballs in the sky!  Taurid Meteors are slow…

  • We have Pleiadian Meteors raining down on us.  We are in the peak of the South Taurids Meteor Shower.  We have entered into the North Taurids today, which peaks next month.  It’s a great time to tap into the energies. …