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The energies are going very high because of the Equinox. Today kicks off day 1 of 10 days in a row of Galactic Activation Portal Days. Expect dramatic shifts in the energy. On these days the gateway to the cosmos…
We have entered into a Galactic Gateway. We are in ten back to back Galactic Activation Portal Days. It’s also the Equinox. Expect very high energies. You want to be tapping into them. I’m doing healings and activations today. Here…
Today Venus enters Pisces! When Venus is in Pisces anything is possible. This alignment is all about love at first sight, cosmic connections, fairytale endings, and synchronicities. Venus will stay in Pisces until April 5th. During this time it’s all…
Venus has shifted into Pisces and it’s all about love. Expect to feel the extra love vibes in the air. You will be feeling a strong pull and desire to anyone you love. The focus over the next few weeks…
Happy Pisces New Moon! As we prepare for Eclipse Season you’re being guided to heal and clear the deeper issues you have going on. Expect new perspectives with Uranus in this mix. We have this New Moon touching Neptune. This…
Happy Pisces New Moon! This is the final sign of the zodiac calendar, as we prepare to shift into a new astrological year. It’s all about letting go of the old and stepping into the new. This New Moon is…
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