Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is one of 4 Galactic Activation Portal Days that September brings us.  Expect high Galactic Energies.  It’s a great time to be tapping in for manifesting and healing.  I’m doing activations today.  Here are the links… 9:1 Galactic Portal…

  • That Blue Super Moon will actually be at its biggest and brightest tonight.  Unlike most Full Moons, this Supermoon will appear full for 3 days.  That means we will be doing a Full Moon tonight and Friday night too.  We…

  • Today I am doing any of the Blue Moon Healings on my site and the ones for 8:31.  Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Expect heightened energies over the next 24 hours.  We meditate today at Noon Central time,…

  • Happy Blue Moon!! It’s once in a Blue Moon.  This term is used to mean a rare event, such as falling in love.  It’s the second Full Moon of the month!  This Pisces Supermoon is speeding up the things that…

  • Happy Blue Moon! These are powerful energies to be tapping into for healing and manifesting.  Here are the things I have going on for this Blue Moon Super Moon… Blue Moon Activation… Blue Moon Twin Flame Activation… Blue…

  • You’ll notice you love life hasn’t been really moving right?  There is a huge reason for this Venus Retrograde! It’s time to shift that flow of energy off of your partner, connections, and other people.  It’s time to really take…