Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy Equinox! We have shifted into a New Season.  We also have shifted into higher energies within the ascension.  Expect some major DNA upgrades as we are receiving a huge influx of Galactic Energies/ Energies directly from our Central Sun. …

  • Happy Equinox! It’s a Faerie Festival.  The Faerie Festivals take place on the crossover points in the seasons.  During the crossover points there are huge energy shifts that occur.  During the Autumn Equinox we celebrate and honor the Faery Queen. …

  • We are in high frequency energies as we prepare for the Equinox.  Expect major timeline shifts and clearing of old baggage.  You’re releasing a lot of outworn energies and cycles.  These higher energies are highlighting any blockages, wounds, and old…

  • Venus is at her brightest, adding to the Cosmic Energies.  Expect positive shifts in love today!  I’ll be doing healings/ and activations.  It’s a great time to be tapping into those Venus energies for love/ financial healing.  Here are the…

  • We are getting ready for the Autumn Equinox and you should be feeling the nice Moon vibes in the air still.  During this time the Earth’s energy shifts.  The Equinox brings a moment of stillness before the Earth shifts directions. …

  • Happy Virgo New Moon!  Let’s just say we are receiving a lot of plasma energies right now.  This New Moon is extra powerful as it’s supercharged with the energies of the Equinox.  Things are shifting.  You’re letting go of the…