Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • With Venus still Retrograde and Mercury shifting Retrograde it’s time to slow down.  Mercury will shift into Retrograde in Virgo the 23rd.  That’s the day Virgo Season also begins.  A lot of inner work is coming up right now, especially…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We are moving through a heightened Retrograde Season.  Most notable Venus is still Retrograde.  Venus rules over our love life and finances.  We are doing a deep healing when it comes to our…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day! It’s also 8:18.  Today is all about the spiritual and all about taping into the energies for healing.  I’m doing healings/ activations today.  Here are the links to sign up… 8:18 Twin Flame…

  • Happy New Moon in Leo! We are also in a Retrograde Season.  This Summer gives us 7 Planets Retrograde.  That means you may still feel a little out of sorts.  Pluto is Retrograde until Oct 10th.  It’s helping us to…

  • Happy Leo New Moon! It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies for healing, manifesting, and working your magic.  I have some healings and activating up just for today.  Here are the links… New Moon In Leo Healing…

  • Today we have Venus Retrograde and our Sun merging together for a Venus Star Point.  This is a powerful Venus Portal!  The Venus Star Point is the best day of the year for love and money.  Are you noticing things…