Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is a major Galactic Activation Portal  Day! Expect major upgrades.  We are in the Lions Gate Portal, which is very much open.  The Lions Gate is a Cosmic Portal.  During this time the veil between us and the other…

  • Today is a major Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We are also in the Lions Gate Portal.  Make sure you’re tapping into these energies.  Here are the healings/ activations that I’m doing for today only. 7:28 Twin Flame Past Life Healing…

  • Happy Galactic New Year! Today is the heliacal rising of Sirius.  We have energies steaming in now from the Central Sun, our Sun, Sirius, Orion, and Mintaka.  That means lots of light codes are pouring in right now.  It’s a…

  • Happy Galactic New Year!  It’s an amazing day for doing healing work.Here are the links to the ones I’m doing just for today… 7:28 Galactic Sirian Activation… Galactic New Year Activation… 7:26 Galactic New Year Twin Flame Activation……

  • Today is A Day Out Of Time.  It’s the final day of the Mayan Calendar.  It’s the Eve of the Mayan New Year.  Tomorrow is the Galactic New Year.  We are celebrating the end of a cycle, and the beginning…

  • It’s a Day Out Of Time today! It’s the Eve of the Galactic New Year! An amazing day for doing healing work.  Here are the links to the ones I’m doing just for today… 7:25 A Day Out Of Time…