Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Tonight is the peak of the Cassiopeid Meteor Shower.  It’s raining down Andromedan shooting stars on us! These meteors radiate from the constellation of Cassiopeia.  They also come from a Jupiter comet.  That means these shooting stars and energies are…

  • Tonight is the peak of the Cassiopeid Meteor Shower.  It’s raining down Andromedan shooting stars on us! Make a wish! Neptune also shifts direct bring us some clarity.  It’s a huge day astrologically, and a great time to be tapping…

  • Tomorrow Neptune Shifts Direct in Pisces! This is creating a lot of spiritual energy.  Neptune rules over our dreams.  It also rules over the subconscious, fantasies and magic.  This is about to shift things in a big way for you,…

  • Dec 4th- Dec 29th Venus shifts into Scorpio.  This is huge for your love life.  You, and your relationships are going through a huge transformation right now.  Venus is the Planet of love.  Expect this time to take your feelings…

  • Today Venus has shifted into Scorpio until Dec 29th.  That makes the next few weeks all about your love life! These energies are great for tapping into to heal your love life.  Expect things to get intense and fiery in…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day! On these days we receive a huge influx of Galactic Energies. The veil is thin and it’s a great time to tap into, or to work with the energies.  I’m doing healings/ activations…