Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy Full Moon in Aquarius.  This is a Super Moon.  It’s also the Lions Gate Portal so the energies are extra heightened.  Expect the Geomagnetic storms to continue.  We are in a very strong wave of energies right now.  The…

  • Happy Aquarius Full Moon.  We meditate today at 12:00pm Central time.  Is available anytime on replay though if you can’t catch it live.  I’m also tapping in to do healing.  Here are the links… Aquarius Full Moon Meditation… Aquarius…

  • We are in the energies of the Aquarius Full Moon.  These are planning the future vibes.  It’s all about getting back on track with your timelines.  This is a Supermoon too.  We are also in the Lions Gate Portal.  Expect…

  • Happy Lions Gate Portal! These energies are amazing for tapping in for healing! Here are the healings I have going on for the Lions Gate only. Lions Gate Portal DNA Activation… Lions Gate Portal Activation… Lionsgate Starseed Activation……

  • Today is a major Galactic Activation Portal  Day! Expect major upgrades.  We are in the Lions Gate Portal, which is very much open.  The Lions Gate is a Cosmic Portal.  During this time the veil between us and the other…

  • Today is a major Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We are also in the Lions Gate Portal.  Make sure you’re tapping into these energies.  Here are the healings/ activations that I’m doing for today only. 7:28 Twin Flame Past Life Healing…