Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • July kicks off with 7 consecutive days in a row of Galactic Activation Portal Days.  This month brings 11 Portal Days total.  The lessons over the next week is all about healing, and tapping in.  We should be doing activation…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  It’s also a Venus/ Mars Conjunction.  I’m doing activations all day today.  Here are the ones I have to just for today… 7:1 Galactic Portal Activation… 7:1 Galactic Portal Activation… 7:1…

  • May 30th- July 1st we have a Mars/ Venus conjunction.  May 30th Venus joins Mars in Cancer.  This is a powerful celestial event that fuses together the feminine and the masculine energies.  Venus rules love, beauty, luxury, harmony, attraction, romance,…

  • Still receiving a huge influx of energies.  This will only intensify thru July.  July is a huge month!  July 1st is a powerful Venus/ Mars Conjunction.  Huge for your love life, and any Twin Flames.  Expect a huge chance for…

  • Today is the latest sunset of the year.  It’s also the latest evening twilight.  We are receiving a lot of energies from our Sun, Sirius, and Central Sun.  Things are quite active in our morning skies right now too.  Today…

  • Today is the latest sunset of the year.  It’s also the latest evening twilight.  Last night we had a CME that passed close to the Earth opening up a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere.  Let’s just say we have lots of…