Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • The next ten days are all about the Solstice.  We are receiving a huge influx of high frequency energies right now.  June 15th and June 16th we have a conjunction between the Pleiades and our Moon.  Expect major Pleiadian vibes…

  • Today the Pleiades have returned! Our Sun and the Pleiades are very much aligned today bringing a powerful energy through.  The Pleiades seems to lead a bright congregation of stars right now including Orion and Sirius.  You can catch all…

  • Today brings us a powerful Pleiadian Alignment.  Amazing day to tap into the energies of the Pleiades.  A powerful day for doing healing and activation work.  I’ll be doing activations all day today.  Here is the link to sign up……

  • June 17th Saturn shifts Retrograde.  That means we are already in its Retroshade.  Saturn will spin backwards until Nov 4th.  Saturn is Planet of Karma.  That means June is shifting the energies in a major way.  We know all karma…

  • We are integrating the energies of the 6:6 Portal.  You may be feeling this Shift on a physical level! Know you’re making such progress!  You’re clearing a lot of past karmic lessons currently in this space of your life.  If…

  • Today is the peak of the Daytime Arietids Meteor Shower! The Arietids are the strongest daytime meteor shower of the year, producing up to 30 fireballs an hour.  I’m doing activations today here is the link to sign up!