Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • May 30th- July 1st we have a Mars/ Venus conjunction.  May 30th Venus joins Mars in Cancer.  This is a powerful celestial event that fuses together the feminine and the masculine energies.  Venus rules love, beauty, luxury, harmony, attraction, romance,…

  • Still receiving a huge influx of energies.  This will only intensify thru July.  July is a huge month!  July 1st is a powerful Venus/ Mars Conjunction.  Huge for your love life, and any Twin Flames.  Expect a huge chance for…

  • Today is the latest sunset of the year.  It’s also the latest evening twilight.  We are receiving a lot of energies from our Sun, Sirius, and Central Sun.  Things are quite active in our morning skies right now too.  Today…

  • Today is the latest sunset of the year.  It’s also the latest evening twilight.  Last night we had a CME that passed close to the Earth opening up a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere.  Let’s just say we have lots of…

  • Midsummer Fairy Portal.  Amazing energies going on.  We are still on a major high from the Solstice.  Midsummer is all about magic and fairies.  In these thin spaces fairies and spirits can walk among us in our worlds, and we…

  • Happy Midsummers Day!! Celebrating the Fairies today!! I’m doing a fairy activation today.  Here is the link to sign up… art: @ishtar.byronbay