Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Welcome to June.  You’re probably feeling the high energies.  That’s because this month brings the Summer Solstice.  June 3 is our Sagittarius Full Moon.  This Strawberry Moon will ripen close to Midnight and will appear full for about three days. …

  • I’m doing activations today for the Jupiter North Node Conjunction.  Clearing your karmic past (South Node) and activating your destiny (North Node).  You do want to tap into these energies.  Amazing for song healing and activation work… 6:1 Jupiter/ North…

  • Destiny aligning June 1 as Jupiter and the North Node meet up in Taurus for a Conjunction.  The North Node is the Dragons Head.  The Dragon’s Head signifies family lineage Karma.  That means June 1st is huge.  If you have…

  • Jupiter is doing big things over the next week! June 1st Jupiter aligns with the North Node.  Bringing Destined undertones to the energies going on right now.  June 3rd/4th is our Sagittarius Full Moon.  Sagittarius sits right at the middle,…

  • This week brings some powerful astrological alignments.  Lots of energies steaming on from Alcyone, one of Our Central Suns, and Sirius.  Alcyone is the Sun that the universe of stars that make up our astral system are all revolving.  6:1…

  • Day 8 of 10 of the Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row that we have been in.  The next 48 hours is bringing some strong energies for manifesting.  You should be feeling like a new person as you’re preparing…