Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We got so much going on just this week! It’s Eclipse week, the 5:5 Portal, the peak of the ETA Aquarius (Halley’s Comet), and my Birthday Week.  I’m doing several activations this week. 5:5 Portal Starseed Activation… 5:5 Portal…

  • Welcome to the Beltane/ Samhain Gateway.  During Samhain the spirits of the dead roam the world.  On Beltane it’s a Gateway for the Fairies.  It’s a day for the other worlds.  The Pleiades is also rising, marking the transition from…

  • Happy Beltane.  May 1st is May Day, a powerful Pleiadian Portal, a Galactic Activation Day and a Mercury Cazimi.  I’m doing activations all day for Beltane! Here are the links… 5:1 Beltane Activation… 5:1 Beltane Pleiadian Healing Activation……

  • Today is a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day.  The veil between the worlds or dimensions is thinner on these days.  On portal days the energetic gates to the spiritual world are opened wider than on any other day of the…

  • I’ll be doing healings from Mt. Shasta today and tomorrow.  It’s a Galactic Activation Portal Day and the energies are quite high during this time.  Mt. Shasta is one of the most spiritual places on the Planet.  It’s amazing for…

  • We have an another CME coming at us that will hit us tomorrow.  We are also riding a major Galactic Wave of Energies the next 72 hours.  The 28th is a Galactic Activation Portal Day (GAPD).  It’s bringing big energies…