Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is the the peak of the Halley’s Comet Meteor Shower (ETA Aquarids).  I’m doing activations all day too.  If you missed the 5:5 ones you can still do any that are still up on my site.  I’ll be doing…

  • Today is the 5:5 portal and the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse!  I’m doing activations all day today… 5:5 Portal Starseed Activation… 5:5 Portal Lemurian Light Code Activation… 5:5 Astral Activation/ Clearing…

  • Eclipse Gateway! Eclipses can take a lot out of you! This one is in Scorpio so intense energies propelling you towards a new version of yourself! Heightened energies.  You may need extra rest and self care right now.  Really taking…

  • May brings a lot of intense energies.  May is divided into two half’s.  The first half may bring a completely different vibe than the second half.  Pluto just went Retrograde in Aquarius.  It will stay retrograde for the next 5…

  • We got so much going on just this week! It’s Eclipse week, the 5:5 Portal, the peak of the ETA Aquarius (Halley’s Comet), and my Birthday Week.  I’m doing several activations this week. 5:5 Portal Starseed Activation… 5:5 Portal…

  • Welcome to the Beltane/ Samhain Gateway.  During Samhain the spirits of the dead roam the world.  On Beltane it’s a Gateway for the Fairies.  It’s a day for the other worlds.  The Pleiades is also rising, marking the transition from…