Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are in solar cycle 25.  This cycle has been twice as strong as the last one.  In 2023 we already started to receive some powerful solar flares.  The Sun has been buzzing with activity.  Galactic Cosmic Rays have been…

  • This weekend is a great time to integrate as we prepare to shift through Eclipse Season.  Eclipse Season runs from April to May.  Eclipses are fated events that will help shift you back on course, or towards your destiny.  That…

  • Happy 4:4 Portal! Lots of Galactic Energies pouring in.  Today is a major manifestation portal! It’s also a major ascension portal as we are receiving lots of energies from our Central Sun, Sirius, Pleiades, and Lyra today.  Lots of Light…

  • Happy 4:4 Portal! Tonight Venus aligns with Sirius.  Making it a day of healing, abundance, and blessings.  Sirius is the stellar gateway for higher spiritual consciousness.  I will be channeling healing activations all day today to connect with these higher…

  • We have quite the planetary dance occurring above us in the stars this month.  This month we have an Eclipse Season, and a Meteor Season.  Let’s not forget Mercury Retrograde and Earth Day.  Mercury, Venus and the Pleiades will be…

  • Happy April 1st!  April Fools Day.  Today is 4:1.  It’s a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  It’s also a Powerful Pleiadian Portal.  Tonight Venus will approach the Pleiades.  The Moon aligns with and covers, or occults the star ETA Leonis.  Eta…