Preparing For The Event…

On September 2, 1859 the Carrington Event occurred.  This was a CME that hit Earth.  This CME overpowered the Earth’s protective magnetic field.  This was a storm of charged particles sent by the Sun that slammed into our atmosphere.  This spewed electrified subatomic particles towards our Planet, full of electromagnetic radiation.  This was the largest geomagnetic storm ever recorded on this Planet.  This caused havoc on the ground.  The entire Planet saw a white light flare.   Auroras were seen around the world.  It was so bright the night turned to day.  It shut down and fried out any technology.  It shut down the telegraph systems and set fire to many of their systems.  We kicked off this ascension in 2012.  In 2012 we saw a solar storm that didn’t even hit us that shut down grids in several countries.

Wait what does this have to do with where we are at now?

We are preparing for the Event now.  which will be a solar flash of such magnitude that not only will the entire Planet see it, everyone will be affected.  There would be damage to any technology and power grids.  You can see that the amount of energy coming into this Planet is having serious affects and intensifying.  These waves of energy are to prepare us for this final Event.  There are many not disclosing these events to keep humanity in the dark.  NASA has put out a warning last month that “We will see another solar storm similar to the Carrington Event that will decimate Earth.”  We are Shifting into a solar minimum.  That means the frequency of Solar flares will intensify.  This means that many magnetic field lines must cross each other, releasing huge amounts of energy.

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