10:10 Portal Earth Angel Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  This is an Earth Angel and Angel Wing Activation.  We can often feel heard chakra pain as actually feeling the loss of our wings.  A healing for the heart and your wing connection.  Angel Wings are an indication of spiritual advancement, to anchor the larger Divine light of the Angelic and […]


A channeled healing activation.  This is an Earth Angel and Angel Wing Activation.  We can often feel heard chakra pain as actually feeling the loss of our wings.  A healing for the heart and your wing connection.  Angel Wings are an indication of spiritual advancement, to anchor the larger Divine light of the Angelic and Celestial realms into the physical.  Activating your Angel Wings helps you to be able to receive extraordinary psychic powers and gifts to serve during your mission work.  Activate your Angelic Energy/ Angelic template.  Open up to embody and radiate more positivity, kindness, and selflessness.  Open up to embody more intuitive empathy and healing gifts and abilities.  Become more of a positive energy magnet.  Open up to more abundance and gratitude.  Angelic humans occupy both the physical and spiritual dimensions.  Awaken more to the Divine truth about your nature and higher purpose.  Earth Angels serve as light workers on Earth, spreading positivity, joy, healing, compassion, love, and light into the world.  Hear more Divine messages.  Earth Angels are highly sensitive, empathic, and love to give to others.  Align with this energy of compassionate service.


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