Premium Twin Flame Healing Package- Inner Child

£ 1,010.00

This package comes with an hour of energy healing.  A deeper healing.  Channeled energy healing session.  Raises your frequency, overall healing channeled for you and your Twin Flame.  Channeled energies for Union/ a deeper Union between you and your Twin Flame.  This is a deep healing and recalibration to Union and Union frequencies.  Half an […]


This package comes with an hour of energy healing.  A deeper healing.  Channeled energy healing session.  Raises your frequency, overall healing channeled for you and your Twin Flame.  Channeled energies for Union/ a deeper Union between you and your Twin Flame.  This is a deep healing and recalibration to Union and Union frequencies.  Half an hour: Raise your frequency.  Heal your energy field, and heal your Union.  The ultimate energetic upgrade.  15 minutes: Heal inner child issues that can result in lacking of manifesting your heart’s desire or abundance, lack of self- confidence.  The ultimate inner child healing.  Open up your manifesting gifts/ and Twin Flame manifesting gifts.  Let go of the inner child blocks, and blocks around manifesting. Heal your confidence and how you show up for yourself and in your Twin Flame.  Heal those inner child aspects that come up as flaws in Union.  Let go of and release unhealthy childhood wounding that comes up as blocks within your Union.  15 minutes: Heal old patterns and beliefs, preconditioned paradigm through certain upbringing, and not trusting the process.  Let go of the old beliefs that block or get in the way of your Union.  Let go of old beliefs and patterns that are not serving you. Heal and let go of old conditioning.  Let go of and heal old programming from your childhood and upbringing.  Remove lack of trust, and faith blocks.  Open up to better understanding and trusting the processes.


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