10:21-10:30 10-Day Star Gate Portal Activation

£ 66.00

This is a 10 Day Special DNA Star Gate Portal.  We have ten back to back Galactic Activation portal Days in a row.  This is a channeled healing activation.  Tap into these energies raise your frequency and to activate and upgrade your energy.  Healing and activation for your spiritual awakening and ascension.  An activation to […]


This is a 10 Day Special DNA Star Gate Portal.  We have ten back to back Galactic Activation portal Days in a row.  This is a channeled healing activation.  Tap into these energies raise your frequency and to activate and upgrade your energy.  Healing and activation for your spiritual awakening and ascension.  An activation to open you up to the Akashic and Universal energies.  Access more answers from the spiritual world.  Gain deeper insights.  Have easier access to the energies of the spiritual world or to the other side.  Access more of your own soul.  Expect an increase in energy, heightened awareness, greater opportunity for information exchange and multi-dimensional insights.  Expect more insights and clarity.  The veil between worlds is thinner and easier to access the Akashic records.  Tap into more guidance and wisdom.  The Akashic Records are, a compendium of pictorial records, or memories, of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings that have occurred since the beginning of time.  They are imprinted on Akasha, the astral light, as a fluid ether existing beyond the range of human senses.  Tap into and better access the Akashic Records, and Akashic Energies.  Akasha transmits the waves of human willpower, thought, feeling, and imagination.  Like an ocean of unconsciousness to which all are linked, making prophecy and clairvoyance possible.  Get the answers to deeper questions.  Break past the veil seeing between timelines.


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