10:21-10:30 10-Day Star Gate Portal Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  This is a 10 Day Special DNA Star Gate Portal.  We have ten back to back Galactic Activation portal Days in a row.  These are special inter-dimensional days […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  This is a 10 Day Special DNA Star Gate Portal.  We have ten back to back Galactic Activation portal Days in a row.  These are special inter-dimensional days when other dimensions open up and are more easily accessible. These are very high energy days.  This is a powerful Gateway.  These are days with a higher energetic vibration.  On a spiritual/soul level, this Gateway is amazing for receiving cosmic wisdom in order to continue accelerating your process of transformation.  Galactic Activation Portal days are the days when one or more portals in the Universe are opening.  These are energetically special days.  On them the gate to the spiritual world is opened more than on other days.  The veils between the dimensions are somewhat thinner and the events of different realities are more interlinked or intertwined.  There is a very thin dividing line between dream and reality.  This healing activation helps to shift you to a higher timeline within your Union.  Bring those dreams into reality in the physical.  Activate your Union light codes, bringing your manifestations and goals down into the physical reality.  Plug into the higher cosmic energy.  This activation helps you to better follow your own souls guidance with more clarity, and expands your consciousness.  Upgrade your Union.  Bringing more of your Union visions into manifestation.


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