10:21- 10:30 Galactic Portal Day Activation

£ 66.00

This day kicks off ten consecutive days in a row of Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Galactic Activation Portal Days bring huge shifts in the energies.  A channeled healing activation.  This is the perfect time to activate and upgrade your intuition and psychic gifts.  Enhance your psychic gifts.  Raise your frequency.  A great Galactic Upgrade for […]


This day kicks off ten consecutive days in a row of Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Galactic Activation Portal Days bring huge shifts in the energies.  A channeled healing activation.  This is the perfect time to activate and upgrade your intuition and psychic gifts.  Enhance your psychic gifts.  Raise your frequency.  A great Galactic Upgrade for your energy.  Let go of any blocks, or anything blocking your awareness.  Your psychic and intuitive abilities are enhanced as you ascend.  Part of ascension is turning on your gifts and intuitive senses.  This activation does just that.  Turn them on, and turn them up.  Have more psychic experiences in whichever form they show up in.  Connect to your intuition a lot easier.  Hear things that you never used to.  Experience more telepathy.  See things such as energy, auras, orbs, and Spirit Guides.  Enhance your psychic abilities and open up to the 5D more.  Better connect with your intuition and trust in its guidance.  If something feels right and true, that is your soul telling you it is right for you.  Tap in easier, and with more clarity.  Pick up on more, and get more through.


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