10:23 Mars And The Moon Alignment Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  This is a 144 activation.  144,000 Twin Flame souls are here on Earth to help raise the vibration of the planet.  Wake up to more of your Twin […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  This is a 144 activation.  144,000 Twin Flame souls are here on Earth

to help raise the vibration of the planet.  Wake up to more of your Twin Flame mission and what you came here for.  Twin Flames are two souls who share the same essence and are destined to meet.  Energies to raise your frequency and to shift you into a deeper spiritual alignment, both individually, and with your Twin Flame.  Energies for your path to spiritual enlightenment, awakening, and Twin Flame Union.  The 144,000 Twin Flames are way showers who have incarnated to assist humanity to fully align and stabilise in 5th-dimensional consciousness.  First you must achieve that by yourself, then within your Union.  An energetic activation to raise up your frequency and to expand your consciousness to the 5D level.  Anchor into 5D Union.  This group of Twin Flame lightworker souls are ancient souls, highly gifted, and highly guided.  It is the mission of the 144,000 Twin Flame souls, to anchor into Divine Union.  Open up more to your Divine purpose.  Shift into higher 5D Union frequencies.  Restore, heal, and activate your higher original lightworker template.  Open up and better connect to the Divine Realms.


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