10:25 Mars Sextile Uranus Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  It helps you to open up to seeing and better reading the synchronicities and synchronistic messages.  Experience more synchronistic events.  Raise your frequency and move closer to the 5D Earth.  A synchronicity is something that seems like a coincidence because it happens almost magically.  But there aren’t any coincidences […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  It helps you to open up to seeing and better reading the synchronicities and synchronistic messages.  Experience more synchronistic events.  Raise your frequency and move closer to the 5D Earth.  A synchronicity is something that seems like a coincidence because it happens almost magically.  But there aren’t any coincidences in life.  Your life is created from many things including what you are manifesting, your soul’s blueprint, your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, and your free will.  Activate your energy and step into a higher frequency.  Great for activating more of your souls blueprint for better more positive experience.  Become more magnetic so you draw more synchronicity to you.  Some examples of synchronicity.  Draw more repeating numbers, and Angel numbers.  Running into a friend in the grocery store by thinking it’s by accident.  Being very close to being in an accident but because you were delayed by one minute you avoided it.  Turning on the radio to get the exact message you need.  Thinking of someone and then they contact you very shortly after.  Meeting the exact right person at the exact right time.  If you are experiencing more synchronistic events, then you are getting closer to 5D. You will notice these events become more normal and occur much more often as you move into 5D.  Better notice and read the synchronicities.


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