10:6 Mercury Square Mars Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  When Twin Flames come together, their Union brings about a powerful transformation and spiritual awakening.  Raise your vibration and align yourself with your Twin Flame, and your Union.  […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  When Twin Flames come together, their Union brings about a powerful transformation and spiritual awakening.  Raise your vibration and align yourself with your Twin Flame, and your Union.  Twin Flames are souls who share the same energetic blueprint.  You share the same frequency.  Raise it up.  Balance your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.  Balance both of these polarities, to embody inner Union.  Shift into self Union and Union from within.  This helps to balance your outer physical Union.  When these energies are aligned and activated, you enter a powerhouse mode of rapid manifestation and co-creation and can achieve experiences like an Alchemical Marriage and Soul Merge.  Twin Flames have a unique energetic signature that resonates specifically with each other.  This energetic bond is often felt on a soul level, even when the physical distance between the two souls is vast.  Heal and release blockages, and from within the connection.  Heal and activate the energetic bond and connection.  Clear out blocks and obstacles.  Let go of lower energies, and unresolved emotions.  Release and heal deeper blockages from within your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.  Activate your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.


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